Friday, April 17, 2009

I spent all day Thursday getting Gabriel's room ready to paint and then painting it. All day. Since I am doing 2 colors on the walls I had to paint 1 layer on the top 1/2, wait for it to dry, and then do the 2nd layer and wait for that to dry. Then repeat for the bottom layer, except that took 3 and up to 4 coats of paint in some spots.

So yeah, all day yesterday.

Today? I was putting up the new curtains for the room and get down from the ladder just to look over and see nice new coloring on the freshly painted walls. The ones I just painted yesterday.

Swirly little scribbles. I almost started crying... almost.

Instead I get mad and drag Gabriel in the room and start yelling at him (it's his m.o. after all). Joshua also comes in the room and was nice enough to point out its not scribbling- it's scratches (cry). While I am yelling at him and he's sitting there crying he tells me the worst thing I have ever heard.

"I didn't do it"

Wait... what?!?! My baby just said a coherent sentence- and it had to be that one.

So Joshua and I look over at Abby, who is standing in the doorway at this point and he asks her if she did it.
She gets that proud little grin on her face that only a 3 yr old can do and says "yep". You could just tell she was so proud of herself for helping. You just can't get mad at that.

So yeah, my baby says a sentence and it's all because I was yelling at him. I feel like shit.

Oh and there will be pics of the room, I am only 1/2 finished with it because I have like 1 wall that I need to remove the rest of the border from yet. So when I am finished there will be pics.

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