Monday, February 2, 2009

Bad mommy... you bad mommy

What, you ask yourself, could be so bad that my darling princess would have to chastise me like that?

I did not have the snack she wanted (I can hear your gasp of horror right now).
That's right, Mommy did not have what she wanted to eat.

What is it she wanted to eat so badly?
Candy perhaps? Or maybe ice cream? Chips?


Yes, I hang my head in mommy shame. I have a child that actually wants to eat healthy stuff, and actually asks for the healthy stuff, and I didn't have any!!!
(for the record, this happened on Thursday night, I went out friday night and finally got some for her, so she had some available Saturday morning)
I even tried to substitute her favorite cereal. I made one huge mistake though, I showed her the box and asked her if she wanted some. She kept pointing to the box saying "that one". I finally figured it out- the spoon pictured on the front of the box also had a strawberry on it. So much for that little trick!

Bad mommy indeed.

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