Saturday, February 7, 2009

I think it may be time

Gabriel is starting to show the signs that he is ready to be potty trained.
He has been staying dry at night a lot lately.
When he gets into the bathtub he looks down at his peepee and then proceeds to pee (yeah that took me a few times before realizing he was doing it intentionally)
Best of all the other night I sat him on the potty and he actually went!!! But of course there is more to the story than that!

After I sat him down he tried very hard to kept himself pointed downward, and kept pushing it so it pointed down (does that say he gets it or what?). When it actually came time to go, he grabbed a cup we use for bath time (sitting in a bucket right next to the potty chair) and then peed in that!!!!
I'm so proud of my little man!

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