Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a slow process, but we're getting there (ok not really but hey).
Today he hid himself in his room- the room he never goes in unless it's to pull out all the clean laundry from the drawers or to spend 5 minutes destroying everything before quickly leaving the scene of the crime-the room he doesn't even sleep in- and closed the door. When we opened the door to see what he was up to, we found the flood. He had hidden himself in his room to pee- on the floor.
At least we know he gets it- that he knew he had to go. It just would have been nice if he would have said something or tried to get to the bathroom again. Now we just need to work on that "click" for him to put it all together and it will be a breeze from there!

On Tuesday I stopped quickly at Kmart to get some big boy underwear because "no one likes to wear training pants" say bf. I had to walk by the girls section to get to the boys (and let's face it, with 3 boys and only 1 girl, looking at girl clothes is an adiction) and the girl's have better underwear!
The girls get 6 packs of underwear that has flowers and pinks and other pretties on them, and the boys get white. Just white. If I wasn't a cheap ass I could have gotten him a bunch of 3 packs of Thomas the Train, Go Diego Go, Cars, or some other cute little character. But when your looking at $5.50 for a 3 pack of cute or a 6 pack of white. The white wins. I did splurge a little and get him 3 pack of Thomas, along with a 6 pack of the white ones. My wallet is still crying over it though.

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