Monday, February 9, 2009

He's ready He's ready!!!!!!

Gabriel is about to become potty trained!

This morning he was messing around with his diaper to pull it off (because that is what he does best) and I told him to stop it. Well he goes running off down the hallway and a minute comes back into the bedroom and starts messing around with the bathroom door (I was in bed and not looking at him- I didn't know his diaper was off until Abby said something) once again I told him to knock it off. So then he goes running into the hallway bathroom. After a minute I decide I should go see what he is up to. He made it to right in front of the toilet before he went. This is the first time he has tried to use the toilet on his own.

After that I put him in some training pants (which he did wet) and then we tried the potty again, and he went on the potty! Then after that he peed on an end table in the living room so I put a diaper and a onesie on him.

I'm just so proud of my little man, he is easily a full year ahead of his sister potty training wise (since we are still working on accidents and pooping on the potty with her, she didn't even start the potty training process until this last Nov). And he "get's it" a lot better than Abby did.

I'm going to be done with diapers very very soon!!!

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